Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Do your themes work with mobile devices?
Yes all of our templates are user friendly and responsive. They will work on most of the browsers and various platforms.
- What i will get in premium version?
The premium version will give you added benifits of extra widgets, shortcodes for the content formatting, removal of credit links, Support for the theme with non encrypted scripts.
- How much time i can use the purchased template?
A license is limited to single user for unlimited blogs. A Single user can not handover the license or sell it to another person.
You can shift license within your blogs but can't transfer it to another user. The license is considered to be valid for the single account of blogger.
- Can i get refund?
No, As we sell the digital products which can be kept further. So, unfortunately we don't make refunds. However we will like to help you set it up as you need.
- Can i modify your template?
You can customize the template only if you have purchased it. But you cant sell them by modifying. The modified template can be kept for self and cannot be shared.
Still have questions? Or perhaps you’re just the type who likes to dig deeper? (We understand!) . You can Contact us to solve the issues.